13 марта 2015, 00:40 (3604 дня назад) № 9282
Если кто помнит, в фильме Pirates of Silicon Valley в самом начале есть эпизод, где у Возняка загорается компьютер и во весь кадр показывают газету со статьёй об этом случае. Текст смешной (и не гуглится):
"Boy Laughs and Computer Burns"
"The facts regarding the home made computer is still work in progress according to the two computer guys, Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs.
Future plans will, out of necessity will have great bearing on the situation as it now stands. According to Mrs. Wozniak the home made computer was built from spare parts.
A suggestion that public bearings on applications be limited to one every six months was taken under advisement by comission. Steve Wozniak computer geek has a few bugs to work on before his homemade computer is in operation. Steve's freind, Steve Jobs fans the smoke out of room as reporters take photos..."