3 декабря 2011, 05:19 (4832 дня назад) № 4071
Европейское Космическое Агентство официально прекратило слежение за Фобос-Грунтом (они пытались через свои центры космической связи помочь России восстановить с ним связь, но безуспешно). Аминь.
3 декабря 2011, 04:31 Eugene Bogorad: На эту тему на днях был xkcd — «пора звать нацистов» ;)
3 декабря 2011, 04:31 Alyssa Ross Eppich: Back to the old, cold days, Peter?
3 декабря 2011, 04:38 Peter Sobolev: It seems today's dancing made me completely stupid regardless of language. What are you talking about (both Eugene and Alyssa? :)
3 декабря 2011, 04:41 Alyssa Ross Eppich: We understand here in the states that all cooperation concerning the sharing of technical information involving the space programs in our respective countries has been unilaterally cut by Russia. It's really too bad, because I always thought it was such a good way to share the load where space exploration was concerned. I hope that a new agreement comes about, Peter.
3 декабря 2011, 04:50 Peter Sobolev: I've never heard about it. Moreover, it's hard to imagine because such technologies in USA much more advanced, for years. Do you have any proof link?
3 декабря 2011, 04:54 Alyssa Ross Eppich: I shall find something for you-hold on.
3 декабря 2011, 05:43 Peter Sobolev: Headline of this article has no tight connection with the text :-)
It's just compilation of various well-known facts.
Also author of article wrote: "The United States plans to scrap its shuttle fleet in 2010 and forget all about the ISS program..."
I don't see any connection between stopping STS (Shuttle) program and using ISS. STS was used for constructing ISS, but it is bad idea to send people or instruments to ISS in half-empty Shuttle. Too expensive. So, I think it is practical way to stop STS program and spend NASA money for other space exploration projects.
Personally I'm sure that progress in space exploration was (and will? :) much faster under conditions of competition (like while cold war :) between USA, Russia (China?), than collaboration.
Currently there are no any reasons for goverments to demonstrate achievements like manned flight to the Mars, for example. 1L
3 декабря 2011, 05:46 Alyssa Ross Eppich: Your probably right, but as a child of the Cold War, I really liked the cooperative years. Competition is good, though. There are other articles out there(from the NY Times) with better detail. I just grabbed the first reputable thing that came up.
8804 дня назад, 09:5817 января 2001
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