Wandering Camera

Album 388
(Translated by Natalia)


I want to say couple of words about “House with Atlants” at the corner of Krukov channel and Rimsky-Korsakov avenue (near the Marrinsky theatre and Nikolsky Sea cathedral).


Earlier it was the profitable house of P.G.Vege.

Before the house was built, the site belonged to V.I.Bazhenov.

Also this house is sometimes called “Shalyapin House”. Probably, he lived there, but I couldn’t find mentions of it.

The style reminds about Stalin constructions (also neoclassicism), but the house was built in 1912-1914, by project of S.O.Ovsaynnikov.

Rimsky-Korsakov avenue (view from Kashin bridge).

The house was in half-abandoned condition for a long time (while neighboring buildings are under repair).

It is strangely combined with a protected court yard and not cheap cars on parking

Do you know, by the way, how much the good, big flat costs in this house?! About million of dollars.

Many actors lived in this house, probably, because of affinity of this house to Mariinsky theatre.

Among inhabitants it is possible to mention the musician and conductor A.I.Ziloti, genetic M.E.Lobashev, and also already mentioned architectors S.O.Ovsjannikov and I.P.Stavitsky.



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