Unlimited size of viewed file in text/hex/asm modes (TV/HV/AV). | |
Boot record of logical drives and FDD view. | |
Master boot record of physical HDD view. | |
Memory, physical and logical drives dump view. | |
Fields highlighting in HV,AV and text highlighting in TV. | |
Support of Alternate, Windows and KOI-8 text encoding as well as a user defined. | |
LineFeed auto detect feature and on-fly change ability (TV). | |
The whole file editor in AV in codes and i486 assembler. | |
The whole file editor in HV in Hex/ASCII mode. | |
Changes save in .CRK-type file. | |
Current file update with the .CRK-type file information. | |
Creating new files, appending and truncating files ability. | |
Executable files header view support for: * MS-DOS 'MZ'. * Windows 95/NT 'PE'. * Windows, OS/2, DOS 4, etc. 'NE'. * Windows 95 'LE'. * OS/2 'LX'. |
i80486/87 powerful disassembler. | |
The instruction comments are allowed in AV mode. | |
The file start base. | |
Support of jump on jmp/call/loop.../j.../etc. in disassembler. | |
Jump to offset in HV, AV. | |
Search engine: * search of any i486/87 instruction (mask is allowed). * search for jumps/calls/pointers to the current offset (AV). * ASCII/Hex [sub]string search (mask is allowed, case [in]sensitive). * ASCII/Hex [sub]string search and replace. |
Block operations: * Save on disk as code/dump/assembler. * Read from disk to a file as code. * Delete/insert from/to a file. * A zero bytes block insert to a file. * Block of bytes delete feature. |
A file recode function in the TV mode. | |
A powerful crypt system for the file encoding. | |
Built-in calculator (hex/dec/oct/bin/char). | |
9 bookmarks for each view mode. | |
Context depended help system. | |
Automatic views-history file support. | |
Views-history dialog for fast'n'easy file management. | |
Built-in filemanager. | |
Viewer colors override ability. | |
A file extensions depended setups. | |
Supported video modes are: 80*25, 80*30, 132*25, 132*30, etc. | |
Mouse support. | |
Time slices under the multitasking environment. | |
Memory requirements of about 90 Kb RAM. | |
Coded in assembler language. | |
External setup (binary config files). |