Wandering Camera

Album 98
(Translated by Svetlana Guzeeva)


There are several buildings which have something in common - all of them relate to Petersburg State University in the name of A.I. Gertsen (former Leningrad State Pedagogic Institute founded in 1918) - situated not far from Moyka and Nevsky prospect crossing. Today's album is devoted to these very buildings and monuments.


Main building is a former palace of Ukrainian hetman and president of Petersburg Academy of sciences K.G. Razumovsky.

Built by A.F. Kokorinov and J.B. Vallen-Delamot in 1762-1766.

A monument opposite the building is not to Gertsen at all (as one might think:) but to K.D. Ushinsky (founder of russian pedagogic science - it says in the book)
"Skin of the teacher"

It's a joke:)
There is one more building not far away - it's a former Shtegelman palace (original authorship is F.-B. Rastrelli's, but palace was reconstructed later). At the end of XIXth century it belonged to the founding hospital.
1st building, reconstructed by architect P.S. Plavov in 1839-1840. Monument to I.I. Betsky, the initiator of the founding hospital
We'll take a look from the other side, from where the buildings face Kazansky cathedral railing.

It's already mentioned Razumovsky palace.

Need to mention, that there is a great many of pelicans on the buildings of Gertsen institute. This one is situated on the pediment of sixth building which faces Kazansky cathedral railing.

Birds are depicted in the process of feeding nestling with pieces of the own body (there is no such phenomenon occurred in nature:). It symbolizes pedagogic activity.

That's the very building where mentioned above pelican sits
Kazansky cathedral railing.

Made (in 1803-1812) according to A.N. Voronikhin sketches (very he is architect of the cathedral).

Cathedral itself from Kazanskaya(former Plekhanov) street side. According to original project they were supposed to construct colonnade in the right, similar to the one facing Nevsky, however, it was not realized.
Our walk comes to its end, let's come back to where we started - to the gates leading from Moyka (in the background) to the institute territory. They were seemingly built at the same time as Razumovsky palace.
"Next!" :)

Further - Saint-Petersburg suburb again, already mentioned once in the summer albums.


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