Wandering Camera

Album 303
(Translated b
y Natalia)


Peter and Paul fortress and it's neighbourhood.
Of course, we've yet been here. But there's never too much of good things, isn't it?
I won't really comment the pictures, I've done it a lot of times. Let's just watch…


We enter the fortress by the bridge that leads from Troitskaya square (near subway station Gorkovskaya).

At the left and behind the mosque is seen.

Iohannovsky bridge that leads to Iohann gates (they're behind me).

The fortress is situated on Zayachiy island.

Troitsky bridge
Troitsky bridge once again. On the other shore - Mikhailovsky castle with a steeple.
Iohann gates
Peter and Paul cathedral with the church tower
…And the mint behind it
The Boat house near the church tower.

Was built especially for keeping the boat of Peter the First. (The boat now keeps in Naval Force Museum, and here is just a copy).

We're walking out from Zayachiy island by wooden Kronverk bridge.

Ahead in the distance we see the masts, that weren't here before. Let's come a bit closer…

This restaurant build here since this autumn. Certainly, the public was indignant, and so on.
But who's going to listen when the building is planned in such a "tasty" place? :)
View from the other side.
New Year's fur-tree on an arrow of Vasilievsky island.
Children play with snowballs near the Rostral pillars.
Neva river

Peter and Paul fortress
Troitsky bridge.

On a background masts of a cruiser "Aurora" è hotel "Leningrad" ("St-Petersburg") are seen

Winter Palace.
Admiralty - view from the Winter Palace side.
And, once more - Winter Palace :)




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