Wandering Camera

Album 223
(Translated b
y Polina Korchagina)


In the first winter album I'll make an overview of the Volkovskoe cemetery. It's situated beyond the Obvodnoy canal. It takes about 20 minutes to get there from metro "Ligovsky prospect".
The Volkovskoe cemetery includes famous "Literatorskie mostki" (the Literature footbridge*), where different famous people are buried. It also includes the orthodox and Lutheran (German) cemeteries that are separated by Volkovka River.



The sign says:

"State museum of municipal sculpture, the "Literatorskie mostki" branch."

The Church of Resurrection
It was built in 1785, presumably after the I.V.Starov's project.

The N.A. Trotsky's grave
From 1930 to 1940 a lot of buildings were built after his projects:

The House of Soviets on the Moskovsky prospect, The House of Soviets on the Kirovskaya square, "Big House" on the Liteiny prospect, DK (the house of cultural and educational activities*) of Kirov on the Vasil'evsky island, the meat-packing factory, a number of schools (including the one on the Ploschad' Iskustv (Square of Arts*) ), a number of blocks of flats and so on.

Like in the Shevchuk's song (famous Russian rock-singer*):

"Wolves are howling on the Volkovskoe cemetery. (Volkovskoe derived from Russian "volk" - wolf*)
Tomorrow there will be a lot of fun..."

The cemetery appeared in 1756 and was named after the village Volkova, that was situated on this place at those times.

Officially, since 1933 new burials are forbidden. But they happen from time to time.

I suggest you to take a look on the cemetery map (it was hanging on the church's wall). It shows who is where. Most of them are famous people who had done a lot for Russia.

However the grave of the head of the State property Committee, M. V. Manevich, who was killed in St. Petersburg a few years ago is also there.

Near the cemetery you can find a hospital in the "brick style" (the end of the 19th century, the beginning of the 20th century)

* Translator's comments



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