Wandering Camera

Album 135
(Translated b
y Andrei Frizyuk)


So, we are approaching the Novgorod museum of folk wooden architecture called Vitoslavlitsy. Its name is derived from the name of the village where it is situated. The museum was opened in 1964. Its main purpose is to preserve old wooden structures scattered across Russian countryside. Wood needs regular treatment and repare, protection against fires and people, etc.

This museum has much in common with Kizhi which we've already visited before.

From left to right:

Loghouse of Maria Dmitrievna Ekimova from Ryshevo village, Novgorod district.

The 16th-century Nativity Church from Peredki village, Borovichi district.

Loghouse of Pavel Antonovich Shkiparev from Tchastova village, Novgorod distict.

Let's enter Ekimova's loghouse...
The lighting is far from perfect, to say the least. It took a 4 sec exposure to get this picture.
The loghouse was built in 1882.

It was acquired from its owner in late 1960s for as little as 713 rubles. The deal was precipitated by the owner's impatience to dismantle the building.

Let's check out roof edges on our way out the door :)
An unidentified church
The chapel from Kashira village near Malaya Vishera.
It was built in 1745.
The Nativity church (transferred from Peredki village)
was built in 1531.
On the left is a church whose name I don't know.

The one in the center is the aforementioned Nativity church.

On the right is Shkiparev's loghouse, built in 1870s and transferred to the museum in 1976.

To the left of the loghouse you may see a well-sweep.

It's a pity that we didn't have enough time to check out all those structures scattered here and there. You shouldn't get the wrong impression that there is nothing else to see.
Severe northern nature... That's what Kizhi and Vitoslavlitsy have in common.

The lake in the background is called Myazino, I believe.

Local animals a-hunting

Now let's move to the city...



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