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Unit VESA; Interface Type ModeList=Array[1..32] Of Word; { List of VESA mode numbers } TVesaMode=Record Attr : Word; { Mode Attributes } WinA : Byte; { Window A attributes } WinB : Byte; { Window B attributes } Gran : Word; { Window granularity in K bytes } WinSiz : Word; { Size of window in K bytes } SegA : Word; { Segment address of window A } SegB : Word; { Segment address of window B } WinFunc : Procedure; { Windows positioning function } Bytes : Word; { Number of bytes per line } Width : Word; { Number of horizontal pixels } Height : Word; { Number of vertical pixels } CharW : Byte; { Width of character cell } CharH : Byte; { Height of character cell } Planes : Byte; { Number of memory planes } Bits : Byte; { Number of bits per pixel } nBanks : Byte; { Number of banks (not used) } Model : Byte; { Memory model type } Banks : Byte; { Size of bank (not used) } Pages : Byte; { Number of image pages } Reserved : Byte; { The following are for 15,16,24,32 bit colour modes } RedMaskSize : Byte; { Size of Red mask in bits } RedFieldPos : Byte; { Bit position of LSB of Red mask } GreenMaskSize : Byte; { Size of Green mask in bits } GreenFieldPos : Byte; { Bit position of LSB of Green mask } BlueMaskSize : Byte; { Size of Blue mask in bits } BlueFieldPos : Byte; { Bit position of LSB of Blue mask } RsvdMaskSize : Byte; { Size of Reserved mask in bits } RsvdFieldPos : Byte; { Bit pos. of LSB of Reserved mask } DirColModeInf : Byte; { Direct Colour mode attributes } Filler : Array[0..215] Of Byte; { Not used - filler } End; TVesaInfo=Record Signature : LongInt; { Signature - "VESA" } Version : Word; { VESA Version number } OEMName : PChar; { Pointer to manufacturer name } Capabilities : Longint; { Capabilities (Not used) } List : ^ModeList; { Pointer to list of VESA modes } TotalMemory : Word; { Number of 64k memory blocks on card } Filler : Array[1..238] of Byte; End; { 258 byte size due to bug in the Diamond SpeedStar 24X v1.01 BIOS } Var VesaMode : TVesaMode; { Contains all info needed for drawing on the screen } VesaInfo : TVesaInfo; { Contains info on the VESA BIOS Extensions } vesaon : Byte; { Specifies whether a VESA mode is on or not } ClipRect : Record { Clipping rectangle } xl,yl,xh,yh : Integer; End; Function IsVesa:Boolean; { Detects whether VESA support is present } Procedure GetVesaInfo; { Get Information on VESA modes, etc } Procedure GetVesaModeInfo(md:Word); { Get Information on a VESA mode (md) } Function SetMode(md:Word):Boolean; { Sets a video mode (OEM and VESA) } Function GetMode:Word; { Returns the current video mode } Function SizeOfVideoState:Word; { Returns the size of the buffer needed to save the video state } Procedure SaveVideoState(Var buf); { Saves the SVGA video state in the buffer } Procedure RestoreVideoState(Var buf); { Restores the SVGA video state from the buffer} Procedure SetBank(bank:Word); { Set the video bank to draw on } Function GetBank:Word; { Gets the current active video bank } Procedure SetLineLength(Var len:Word); { Sets the logical scan line length, returns the actual length set } Function GetLineLength:Word; { Returns the current logical scan line length } Procedure SetDisplayStart(pixel,line:Word); { Sets the first pixel and line on the display } Procedure GetDisplayStart(Var pixel,line:Word); { Returns the first pixel and line on the display } Procedure SetClipArea(xl,yl,xh,yh:Integer); { Sets the clipping area on the screen } {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} {-----------------------------} Implementation {----------------------------} {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} Uses Dos; Var rp : Registers; Function IsVesa:Boolean; Begin$4F03; Intr($10,rp); IsVesa:=($4F); End; Procedure GetVesaInfo; Begin$4F00; rp.di:=Ofs(VesaInfo);; Intr($10,rp); End; Procedure GetVesaModeInfo(md:Word); Begin$4F01;; rp.di:=Ofs(VesaMode);; Intr($10,rp); End; Function SetMode(md:Word):Boolean; Begin SetMode:=True; vesaon:=1; If md>$13 Then Begin rp.bx:=md;$4F02; Intr($10,rp); If<>$4F Then SetMode:=False Else GetVesaModeInfo(md); End Else Begin; Intr($10,rp); VesaMode.Gran:=64; vesaon:=0; VesaMode.SegA:=$A000; Case md Of { OEM (standard) video modes } 1..3,7 : Begin { Text modes } VesaMode.Width:=80; VesaMode.Height:=25; If md=7 Then Begin VesaMode.Bits:=1; VesaMode.SegA:=$B000; End Else Begin VesaMode.Bits:=4; VesaMode.SegA:=$B800; End; VesaMode.Bytes:=160; VesaMode.Model:=0; End; $13 : Begin { 320 x 200 x 256 colours, VGA & MCGA } VesaMode.Width:=320; VesaMode.Height:=200; VesaMode.Bits:=8; VesaMode.Model:=4; VesaMode.Bytes:=320; End; $12 : Begin { 640 x 480 x 16 colours, VGA only } VesaMode.Width:=640; VesaMode.Height:=480; VesaMode.Bits:=4; VesaMode.Model:=3; VesaMode.Bytes:=80; End; $10 : Begin { 640 x 350 x 16 colours, VGA & EGA with 128k+ } VesaMode.Width:=640; VesaMode.Height:=350; VesaMode.Bits:=4; VesaMode.Model:=3; VesaMode.Bytes:=80; End; $0E : Begin { 640 x 200 x 16 colours, VGA & EGA } VesaMode.Width:=640; VesaMode.Height:=200; VesaMode.Bits:=4; VesaMode.Model:=3; VesaMode.Bytes:=80; End; $0D : Begin { 320 x 200 x 16 colours, VGA & EGA } VesaMode.Width:=320; VesaMode.Height:=200; VesaMode.Bits:=4; VesaMode.Model:=3; VesaMode.Bytes:=40; End; Else SetMode:=False; End; End; SetClipArea(0,0,VesaMode.Width-1,VesaMode.Height-1); End; Function GetMode:Word; Begin$4F03; Intr($10,rp); GetMode:=rp.bx; End; Function SizeOfVideoState:Word; Begin { Will save/restore all video states }$4F04; rp.dl:=0;$0F; { hardware, BIOS, DAC & SVGA states } Intr($10,rp); SizeOfVideoState:=rp.bx; End; Procedure SaveVideoState(Var buf); Begin$4F04; rp.dl:=1;$0F;; rp.bx:=Ofs(buf); Intr($10,rp); End; Procedure RestoreVideoState(Var buf); Begin$4F04; rp.dl:=2;$0F;; rp.bx:=Ofs(buf); Intr($10,rp); End; Procedure SetBank(bank:Word); Var winnum:Word; Begin winnum:=bank*64 Div VesaMode.Gran;$4F05; rp.bx:=0; rp.dx:=winnum; Intr($10,rp);$4F05; rp.bx:=1; rp.dx:=winnum; Intr($10,rp); End; Function GetBank:Word; Begin$4F05; rp.bx:=$100; Intr($10,rp); GetBank:=rp.dx; End; Procedure SetLineLength(Var len:Word); Begin$4F06;;; Intr($10,rp); { dx:=maximum number of scan lines }; End; Function GetLineLength:Word; Begin$4F06;; Intr($10,rp); { dx:=maximum number of scan lines }; End; Procedure SetDisplayStart(pixel,line:Word); Begin$4F07; rp.bx:=0;; rp.dx:=line; Intr($10,rp); End; Procedure GetDisplayStart(Var pixel,line:Word); Begin$4F07; rp.bx:=1; Intr($10,rp);; line:=rp.dx; End; {===============================} Procedure SetClipArea(xl,yl,xh,yh:Integer); Begin { Set the region of clipping } ClipRect.xl:=xl; ClipRect.yl:=yl; ClipRect.xh:=xh; ClipRect.yh:=yh; End; End.

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