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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Msg : 371 of 372 Rcv Pvt From : Lenik Terenin 2:5061/1 08 Jun 96 02:02:28 Subj : .. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Выделение контуpов на полутоновом изобpажении: Спеpва находим пихелы, могущие пpинадлежать контуpу, для этого, в пpостейшем случае нужно выбpать все пихелы, pазница в цветовом pасстоянии до любого из соседей пpевышает некотоpую гpаницу. Размеp гpаницы опpеделяется экспеpиментально и для изобpажения с хоpошо выpовненной гистогpаммой составляет пpимеpно половину максимальной интенсивности. После того как нужные нам пихелы найдены, их можно "пpосеять", чтобы пpивести контуp к линиям единичной шиpины. Для этого есть специальные автоматы клеточной логики, навpоде Конвеевской "жизни", только пpавила немного посложнее. Смысл в том, что для некотоpых комбинаций окpестных пихелов центpальный можно пpибить без боязни pазоpвать контуp. Лучше всего найди книгу: Тео Павлидис, "Алгоpитмы машинной гpафики и обpаботки изобpажений", год и издательство не помню. Если нужно -- уточню. В ней обpаботка pастpовых изобpажение дана очень подpобно и обстоятельно. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ > I'm trying to implement a Sobel filter but I'm not sure how to handle > pixels at the image's frontier. > > Do I fill the image matrix with zeros at positions outside the image or do > I simply drop pixels at the image's frontier in filter calculation ? > > Olivier Hi Olivier, I think that depends on your philosphy about edge-detection (the Sobel operator is an edge-detector, you know). There are several possibilities: 1) If you consider the image border an edge, you should take the image values at positions outside the border to be zero (or some other constant value). Assuming that the image-border-pixels are not equal to zero, this causes the transition from inside to outside to be a (strong) edge. 2) Another assumption that you can make is that the discrete image is spatially repetitive, i.e. if your image has dimensions M x N, the value at (-i,-j) can be taken to be the value at (M-1-i,N-1-j). This may sound rather stupid at first, but it's not. Theoretically, if the original continuous image is reconstructed from the samples by low pass-filtering of the Fourier transformed discrete image, the resulting continuous image IS spatially repetitive. 3) A third possibility is to mirror the image about the edges. That means that a value at (-i,-j) can be taken to be the image value at (i,j). I don't know any reasonable theoretical foundation for this choice. 4) If you don't want to make any assumptions about image values outside the borders, you should only calculate the Sobel-value at those positions for which the filter only requires image-value that all lie inside the image. Well, you still have to make the choice yourself. But I hope this can help you. Erik H.W. Meijering
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- Usenet echoes (21:200/1) -------------------------- COMP.GRAPHICS.ALGORITHMS - Msg : 15 of 15 From : 2:5030/144.99 06 Aug 94 18:29:40 To : All 07 Aug 94 05:00:18 Subj : Rotating an image? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Brian R. Jones) Subject: Rotating an image? Organization: Purdue University Engineering Computer Network As part of a rather simple edge detection routine, written in the language C, I am attempting to flip and image on it's side in order to run a convolution pass in both the vertical and horizontal directions. I thought my method would work, but it only works for square images for some reason. My method was: for (i=0;i<height;i++) { for (j=0;j<width;j++,in++) { if (flag == 0) { image[i][j] = *in; } else { image[j][i] = *in; } } } where *in is the input stream from a pgm file (a raw greymap). I swap the height and width for the second pass (1st pass scans accross horizontally, 2nd pass scans vertically). It doesn't really matter to me which way the image is rotated. This approach works for horizontal pass (flag == 0), but produces a segmentation fault for the second pass (flag == 1). Is there an easier way to rotate and image (or did I just make a fool of myself by missing something obvious)? Is there a piece of C code that does this laying around somewhere? -Brian P.S. If I wasn't clear in my expaination or you need to know what a part of my code is refering to, please email me - the sooner I can figure this out the better off I will be!

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