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> Does anyone out there have any idea where I can get hold of an > algorithm that will draw a basic spiral? Tried the search engines, but > no luck... You might want to try a math book, especially section on polar coordinates. Logarithmic Spiral: r = C*exp(A*theta) where r=radius, and theta are the polar coordinates and A and C are constants. Try: A=0.1, C=0.1 with 0 < theta < 15*PI/2, or A=0.2, C=0.01 with 0 < theta < 15*PI/2 Archimedean Spiral: r = A * theta^(1/M), with M <> 0 (or M != 0 for C folks). Try: A = 0.04, M = 1, 0 < theta < 8*PI ("Archimedes' spiral") A = 0.20, M = 2, 0 < theta < 8*PI ("Femat's spira") A = 1.00, M= -1, 1.00 < theta < 6*PI ("hyperbolic spira") A = 0.50, M= -2, 0.25 < theta < 6*PI ("litus") Info above was from "CRC Handbook of Mathematical Curves and Surfaces" by David H. von Seggern, CRC Press, 1990. Of course to plot, convert (r, theta) -> (x,y) by x := r * cos(theta); y := r * sin(theta);

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