Wandering camera

Additional comments to album 18
(Translated by D. Mosesian)

(comments by - Viktor Varganov, correction (like that) - mine, i.e. Petr Sobolev.
more comments by Vladimir Beshenkov - colored)


xref.gif (538 bytes) A building on the embankment of Kriukov channel (a09_23.jpg)

"A building on the embankment of Kriukov channel" (18 album) has been built by architect S.O.Ovsiannikov in 1912 - 14. Unfortunately, the figures of atlantes at the main entrance are not seen on the picture.

xref.gif (538 bytes) Moika and its banks (my09_13.jpg)

This is the gates of the former estate of K.G.Razumovskii, now - A.I.Gertsen Russian Pedagogical University. The gates were built after the palace was bought into the state treasury and given to the Orphanage. Note the sculpture of a pelican above the gates. Pelican is a symbol of the Pedagogical University and an unofficial symbol of pedagogy (education). Pelicans are feeding their chicks with the fish that they bring in the large "bag" under their beak. There is a legend that when there is a shortage of food pelicans are feeding the chicks with their own flesh. This example of self- sacrifice has made pelican the symbol of pedagogy. There are several pelicans on the territory of the University.

xref.gif (538 bytes) Lion's bridge (my09_29.jpg)

The Lion's bridge across the Griboedova channel has been built in 1825 - 26 by engineers G.M.Tretter and V.A.Khristianovitch (cast iron sculpture of lions created by P.P.Sokolov) . The sculptures are empty inside and are made of two halves. The bridge is 27.8 m long and 2.2 m wide.

xref.gif (538 bytes) Bank's bridge (my09_31.jpg)

The Bank's bridge has been built by the same engineer Tretter at the same time (1825-26), and the sculptures of griffins are by the same Pavel Sokolov (he is also the author of the sphinxes on Egyptian bridge).
The bridge is 25.2 m long and 1.9 m wide. This is the narrowest bridge in St. Petersburg, excluding various little park bridges.
The name "Bank's bridge" is from the building of the former Assignatsionnii
bank, where the Financial-Economic college is located now.

xref.gif (538 bytes) New Holland (my09_18.jpg)

Well, here you are... Some Russian verse about the city. We need a higher class translator , I am afraid Вспомнились строки*:...

Подгребает закат. И горят, словно шапки на ворах,
Все высокие стекла. И дышит ментолом вода.

Старый тополь над ней. Отражается - взболтанный, дробный.
Кисть набухшую свесил, играет настенной травой...
Тополь видит в реке вариант своей жизни загробной:
То же самое - только прекрасней, и вниз головой...

Достоевская ночь в подворотне, как сталь под полою.
Связь времен - что поделаешь... Страшно пятак уронить...

* Ирина Знаменская. "День не кончен еще: это время..." в сб. Молодой Ленинград.- Л.: Сов. писатель, 1989.


And a few more frames that are not in the album:

my09_14.jpg (25451 bytes) Mariinskii palace - the stronghold of local power.:-/
my09_35.jpg (27592 bytes) my09_10.jpg (26471 bytes)
A bridge again - the only three-way bridge in the city: Malo-Koniushennii across Moika and Teatralnii across Griboedova channel. my09_33.jpg (23573 bytes)


(C) Петp Соболев


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